Students at All Saints Catholic School wear uniforms. In partnership with parents, we are committed to following a dress code that is affordable, consistent, and enforceable at all grade levels.
All Saints students wear uniforms for many reasons:

What is the Uniform Dress Code?
Please see the Visual Uniform Policy Guide for detailed daily uniform regulations. On designated non-uniform days, students should follow these guidelines:
- Non-Uniform bottoms may be: Jeans or loose, athletic-type sweatpants. Jeans should be appropriate for school (no holes or tight form-fitting jeans).
- Please remember no yoga pants or leggings.
- Only 7/8 students may wear shorts during shorts season, but they need to be longer shorts, similar to the length of their uniform shorts.
Students dressed inappropriately will be sent to the Uniform Exchange for a uniform and may not be permitted to participate in the next spirit wear day.

Where to Purchase Uniforms
We know kids grow wildly over the course of a school year. As we head into summer, If new purchases are necessary to maintain uniform expectations, please contact Dennis Uniforms and review our uniform policy visual guide with your child(ren). Thank you for your support!