
Parents are not only primary sources of financial support for All Saints, but are also invaluable resources in helping us meet our potential as a Christian community.

Volunteerism is one way for parents to fulfill their responsibility as the first and best educators of their children.

Each year, as part of their commitment to the school, All Saints parents are expected to participate in volunteer and fundraising activities. While All Saints requires at least 20 volunteer hours per family, many parents volunteer far more than this minimum and those efforts are greatly appreciated.


All Saints Catholic School offers a variety of volunteer opportunities, which are described via weekly school emails as well as in the online registration packet given to each family prior to registration.

Screening and Code of Conduct

In accordance with diocesan policy, all volunteers who work in any capacity with our students  must have a current Washington State Patrol check, diocesan disclosure form on file in the All Saints Catholic School office, and participate in a Safe Environment Training (VIRTUS) to be updated annually.

For more information on our events, please contact our Director of Mission Advancement, Logan Webbenhurst, at lwebbenhurst@allsaintsspokane.net or our Mission Advancement Assistant, Megan Drake, at mdrake@allsaintsspokane.net.

Make a difference today